Members from Marist singers.


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bet亚洲365欢迎投注 Our Organization

bet亚洲365欢迎投注歌手 is a choral club with 200 general members. The bet亚洲365欢迎投注歌手 perform a variety of different performances, including the 家庭 Weekend concert, the annual Ecumenical Lessons and Carols, as well as a variety of benefit concerts including Night on Broadway and Love in the Afternoon. 



  • In charge of overseeing the organization to ensure smooth daily operation. 

副总裁: Carley井

  • In charge of working directly with the president in terms of communications  

秘书: 杰西卡Goetchius 

  • In charge of overseeing attendance of general members, note taker for board meetings. 

机工长: 玛格丽特•克鲁斯

  • In charge of the different performance equipment as well as transportation to performance venues. Oversees crews for community service priority points.  

图书管理员: 吉莉安Zuch

  • In charge of distribution and collection of all required music as well as maintaining the Music 图书馆. 

公关椅: 吉利安斯威舍

  • In charge of the publicity of the Singers club. Works with members of PR committee to spread the word about concerts and events. Is in charge of recruiting members for PR committee, which counts towards priority points. 

财务主管: 朱丽安娜Ferrigno

  • In charge of the financial operation of the club, 包括资金, 支出, and maintaining proper records of all club 支出s. 

Freshman Women’s Representative: 艾米丽·阿姆斯特朗

  • In charge of acting as a liaison between the Freshman Women’s Choir and the Executive Board.  


There are a multitude of groups that perform as part of the bet亚洲365欢迎投注 Singers. All groups and meeting times are listed below:

Freshman Treble Choir

  • Tuesday, Thursday 5-6:15


  • Tuesday, Thursday 6:30-7:45

Additional Groups:

Chamber Singers (must be a member of freshman choir or singers)

  • Tuesday, Friday 2-3:15

The Enharmonics (must be a member of orchestra, singers, or band)

  • Monday, Wednesday 9-11pm, Sunday 8-11pm

The Sirens (must be a member of orchestra, singers, or band)

  • Monday, Wednesday 9-11pm, Friday 5-7pm

Time Check (must be a member of orchestra, singers, or band)

  • Monday, Wednesday 9-11pm, Friday 5-7pm

优先级分 through 俱乐部 and Activities

To earn one (1) point: Members must attend a minimum of 50% of club/organization meetings for the semester and 50% of club/organization activities.

To earn two (2) points: Members must attend a minimum of 50% of club/organization meetings for the semester and 75% of club/organization activities + the community service event.

To earn three (3) points (executive board only): Officers must attend 50% of club meetings for the semester and 100% of club activities including community service. If executive board members do not complete all of the requirements to earn three points, they will be eligible to receive up to two points based on the above criteria.

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